Baxter Angus Farm and Wagner Herefords team up to bring an offering of 20 two-year old Hereford bulls, 5 registered bred Hereford heifers, 30 commercial bred Hereford heifers and 20 baldie bred heifers. Also selling are 50 yearling Angus bulls, 30 Angus heifers, 15 yearling Black Hereford bulls, 10 Black Hereford bulls and 15 Hereford heifers.
Mark Baxter Reese and Elly Jo Wagner
Mark Baxter 605-730-4214 Tyann Baloun 605-450-0090 Reese Wagner 605-450-1085 Elly Jo Wagner 605-450-9790 Chisum Peterson Auctioneer 605-730-4214 Levi Landers American Hereford Association 308-730-1396 Jim Scheel Cattle Business Weekly 701-400-4435 10:10:10:10:Chris Effling 11:11:11:11: Tri-State Livestock News 605-769-0142 12:12:12:12:Jeff Kapperman 13:13:13:13: Tri-State Neighbor 605-363-3302 14:14:14:14:Bill Schermer 15:15:15:15: Midwest Beef Producer 641-425-2641