One that looks like a winner and handles like one too. Possibly the best wether we have ever raised. Love how this guy ties his shoulder into his rack. He progressively gets wider from rack to hip. Jumbo hip and leg in this one. He's tall shouldered and runs uphill. This guy will be competitive. Don't let his age scare you.
Wow! That's what you will say when you get your hands on this guy. One you apricate in terms of muscle shape, handle, and skeletal design. He's very 3 dimensional. He will be fun to feed and could be fed well into the fall. He has all the right parts and pieces to be very competitive, just needs to be fed. High ceiling on this guy!
Twin to red 75 (Lot #4), This guy is the more shallow and exotic made one of the pair! He's wide constructed and carries that width all the way up from the ground. Maybe a bit better than his brother in terms of how tucked up he is in his breast bone and as a result his front end design.
Twin to red 76 (Lot #3). This is the stouter one that is rounder in his cage with a better center of body. Both handle hard as concrete. Either way you can't go wrong!
Love the outline of this ewe, she just looks like a show ewe. She is wide constructed and shallow made. Her head and neck set is ideal. To top it off she has an incredible handle. She has a twin selling as Lot #8
Great outlined lamb that is super stout. This one is hard handling and dense muscled. Huge square hip in this guy with a deep twist. He's a little hard to read because he's slightly open wooled but one that should shear off well and really surprise you. This guy will make a great jackpot sheep and one that should be competitive early.
Tall fronted attractive looking wether that is jet level. Great center of body, he is cracked open, but still shallow. To top it off he has great muscle shape and handles hard as a rock.
This gal is knock out from the side. Impeccable shoulder design and arguably maybe the best fronted one in this sale. One that handles hard as a rock but still maintains plenty of femininity. Looks very similar to her twin, Lot #5
A very complete ewe. She is dense muscled with an extra shot of mass and shape. She's broody too with volumes of rib shape. Another lamb with an underline that is really good and hard to make. She's a triplet!
Study this ewe's picture you will really appreciate her look and balance. Big hip wide constructed, hard handling. This one that has a more terminal look and could run with the boys in the end.
This guy hated the picture pen and would not cooperate to save his life. This one you should come to see in person. He's a balanced lamb with a square rack and big back. Study this guy's rear picture, he's big hipped and wide constructed. Don't overlook him.
Show sheep supreme. This guy should be a contender for the speckled division. He's tall fronted and shallow made with plenty of muscle shape and base width. He's very balanced and really good looking from the side.
This guy got a little open wooled on us and is slightly hard to read, but one that should shear out to be outstanding. He has big muscles and a killer outline. This guy wedges correctly and should feed well. Another lamb that will be on the large size and ready early.
Huge hipped and legged. This guy runs uphill and looks killer from the side when stuck. Study this guy's ? shot. He's barrel ribbed and very three dimensional. This guy should feed and progressively get better.
High quality wether here! Shallow, with a killer outline! Love this guy's center body he is so so cracked open and really good in his rib shoulder junction. One that's built right just needs to be fed. His pea in a pod twin is red 79 (Lot #19)
Tuco really gives these lambs a hard handle. This gal is crisp in her edges and firm and dense in her muscle pattern. Love the outline of this girl. She runs uphill and is easy on the eyes. Buy with confidence on this one. She has a competitive look, handle and build.
Sired by Big D from Crego/Clem/Fleckenstein this attractive massive hipped lamb that has a balanced look from the side. This guy is unreal in terms of stoutness. He will be ready early and will make a competitive jackpot or early fair lamb. His twin is lot #34
One that's parallel in his lines and runs uphill with a real athletic look. When you get your hands on him he's hard to the touch. His twin is lot #15.
A long bodied lamb that balances well. Giant hip and rack in this guy. Love his ? shot as it shows how dimensional he really is. He's a shallow made, great outlined lamb that is super green and will feed for a long time. He's a highly competitive one you should come see and study in person. Look in a mirror to find his twin, red 33 (Lot #37)
Who wants to feed one that is green and just needs time and feed? This guy is raw but all the shape is there. Just look at his hind leg shape in the side profile, massive! One that should feed into the fall if you want to go that route.
A moderate ewe with plenty of shape. Great underline quality in this one. She's wide pinned obnoxiously large hipped, and incredibly stout. This one could be a wether making factory.
Stout speckled wether out of our new buck, Temper Tantrum, from Betty Club Lambs in PA and Pearl (Simpson). This one is well built, balanced and most importantly easy to look at.
Powerhouse lamb all the way around with huge hip and leg shape with plenty of twist. Really enjoy this guy's ? view, he's one that's insanely round caged.